GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023—The exact date for the 6th Merit List of GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) is not provided in the given information. The Merit List is usually prepared based on the performance and qualifications of the candidates in the selection process. It is advisable to regularly check the official website or contact the concerned postal authority for updates regarding the 6th Merit List of GDS. The official website and notifications will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the Merit List and its release date.
GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023 : State wise Result cut off @ ,GDS भर्ती का रिजल्ट, इस Direct Link से करें चेक
GDS 6th Merit List 2023 Download PDF— To download the GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) 6th Merit List for 2023 in PDF format, you can visit the official website of the respective postal department or India Post. Look for the “Meritorious Candidates” or “Results” section on the website. Locate the GDS 6th Merit List notification and click on the provided download link or PDF icon to initiate the download. Save the PDF file to your device for viewing and reference.
GDS 6th Merit List 2023 Date Overview
Table of Contents
Department of Posts and Ministry of Communications, Indian Government
Name Article
India Post GDS 5th Supplementary Merit List
Name of the Post
Gramin Dak Sevak
Number of the Merit List
5th Merit List
Merit List Availability Status
Updated Soon
Mode Pdf
Online Mode
All over India
Official Website
GDS 6th Merit List 2023 Date Date Pdf Link
Indian Post GDS Result Mode-
Online Mode Pdf
Who To Find Result —
Indian Postal Department 2023 Result will be released on the official site of Indian Post.
Once you’re on the website’s homepage, look for the “Recruitment” or “Results” section. It may be located at the top menu or in a prominent area on the page. Click on that section.
In the Recruitment or Results section, search for the link related to the GDS recruitment or merit list for the year 2023. Look specifically for the 4th Merit List.
Click on the link for the 5th Merit List. It may be mentioned as “Download” or “Check Merit List” or something similar.
The 4th Merit List will likely be available in a PDF format. Click on the download button or the provided link to access the PDF file.
Once the PDF file is downloaded, open it on your device. You can use a PDF reader or any compatible software to view the document.
Indian Post GDS Salary—
For the position of Branch Postmaster (BPM), the minimum TRCA is Rs. 12,000 per month.
For the positions of Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM) and Dak Sevak, the minimum TRCA is Rs. 10,000 per month.
GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023—Hello friends, how are you all? India Post has released the Fourth list of selected candidates for Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment (GDS Result 2022 6th List Soon Out). Those who were waiting for their result can check their result by visiting the official website Candidates should note that the name of the post is written along with their name in the list. . Other Details GDS Result 6th Merit List Date ,GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023, GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023, GDS Cut Off 2023 State Wise, fee, eligibility details are explained below..
Indian Postal Department 2022 Result will be released on the official site of Indian Post.
GDS Merit List 2023 PDF Download
भारतीय जीडीएस का रिजल्ट कब जारी होगा? इसकी जानकारी जल्द ही नोटिफिकेशन के साथ अपडेट की जाएगी। अखबारों के जरिए बताया जा रहा था कि इंडियन पोस्ट जीडीएस का रिजल्ट दोबारा जारी किया जाएगा. पुरुष और महिलाएं किसी भी राज्य से हैं, इस बार उन्हें भारतीय डाक विभाग में आसानी से नौकरी मिल सकती है। राज्य के सभी उम्मीदवारों का रिजल्ट फिर से जारी होने जा रहा है. रिजल्ट दोबारा कब जारी होगा? आगे की अधिसूचना के बाद आप सभी को इस पेज पर पूरी प्रक्रिया देखने को मिलेगी। GDS 6th Merit List Date 2022..
Candidates’ age limit should be Minimum 18 years & Maximum 40 years.
Age On 02 August 2022
Age Relaxation:- SC/ST/OBC Candidate Relaxation as per on government rule regulation.
SC/ST-05 Year, OBC- 03 Year.(GDS 5th Merit List Date 2022)
GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023
GDS 6th Merit List Date 2022 : State wise Result cut off @ ,GDS भर्ती का रिजल्ट, इस Direct Link से करें चेक
Indian Post GDS Revised Merit List 2023 Eligibility
Indian Post will soon release the gram Dak Sewak(GDS) Merit List 2023. The India Post GDS result 2023 will be available state wise on A total of 38926 posts will be recruited on the basis of the GDS Merit List 2023. A cut-off list will be prepared to release the India Posts GDS Selection List 2023 GDS 6th Merit List Date 2023
Class 10 High School Exam Passed in Any Recognized Board in India with Mathematics and English as a Subject. Know the Local Language of Applied State.
Click also Official Advertisement for Complete details..
Indian Post GDS Revised Result 2023 –
Information related to correct and accurate cutoff of Indian Postal Department has been updated on this page. If the candidates are from any state. Their marks match in the cut off list given below. So candidates can easily join India Post this time. Further, through this page related to India Post official cut off or recruitment, first of all the information about the notification will be given to the candidates, follow this page and stay connected through this page. GDS 6th Merit List Date 2022—– Click Now
About This Vacancy -(In Hindi) —GDS 6th Merit List Date 2022—जीडीएस 6वीं मेरिट सूची दिनांक 2022—नमस्कार दोस्तों, कैसे हैं आप सब? इंडिया पोस्ट ने ग्रामीण डाक सेवक भर्ती के लिए चयनित उम्मीदवारों की 6th सूची (जीडीएस परिणाम 2022 6वीं सूची जल्द ही जारी) जारी कर दी है। जो लोग अपने परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे, वे आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर अपना परिणाम देख सकते हैं। उम्मीदवार ध्यान दें कि सूची में उनके नाम के साथ पद का नाम लिखा हुआ है। . अन्य विवरण जीडीएस परिणाम 6 वीं मेरिट सूची तिथि, जीडीएस 6 वीं मेरिट सूची तिथि 2022, GDS 6th Merit List Date 2022, राज्य वार, शुल्क, पात्रता विवरण नीचे दिए गए हैं।
India Post GDS Result 2022
Very good news is coming out for both the male and female candidates of all the states who have applied for the form of Indian GDS. After the successful completion of the application is revealed through the newspapers. That the result of Indian GDS is going to be released very soon this time the candidates are from any state. And have applied the form of Indian Post GDS.
Note: –All information in this post is correct but if there is any error, we will not be responsible for it. To verify all the details regarding this post, kindly visit only official website related to this notification and read carefully that it is given above with the name of important link: GDS 6th Merit List Date 2022
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